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Industry-Leading Utility Location Company Improves Productivity by 45% with New Mobile App.

A utility site location company, specializing in protecting underground utility lines from damage during construction and excavation work, hires Big Fish for mobile app development.

about the client

PinPoint Underground provides location services for underground utility lines. Their field teams travel to construction sites to locate and mark the exact location of buried utilities.

Their commercial construction and other customers count on them to provide accurate and fast placement of markers. This prevents dangerous accidents or service disruption during digging, allowing projects to proceed on time and on budget.


Android SDK

the opportunity

Our client wanted to provide a superior customer experience that would set them apart from competitors.

So, they tried implementing a process whereby their field teams would take photos to document each marked utility line while onsite. The field tech would then manually transfer the photos from their phone to their laptop and individually upload each photo to their servers via a cumbersome web-based application.

This was a time-consuming manual task for their field team. Plus, the labor-intensive process brought risk of errors and omissions.

PinPoint Underground knew they needed to make this process more efficient, and increase the speed of getting the correct information into the hands of the people who needed it.

The idea of an app was born and they contacted Big Fish, a mobile app development company in Tampa, Florida.

the solution

Big Fish developed a very easy-to-use mobile application that achieves their vision.

Their field team now uses company-provided Android smartphones to seamlessly photograph construction sites. All photos are automatically tagged with important information (ex. GPS coordinates and a time stamp) and instantly uploaded to their servers so the information documenting their visit is available to their customers.

Their new mobile app automates what was a time-consuming, manual process. Their field team now gets more done in less time, while virtually eliminating errors.

the results

PinPoint Underground’s field team productivity improved by 45% after implementing the app we created for them.

Not only that – the detailed information they can now provide to their customers will protect them from lawsuits if a digging crew damages the marked underground utilities.

This extra layer of accountability and customer service gives PinPoint Underground a tremendous competitive advantage when bidding on multi-million dollar government projects.

  • Laurence JohnsonPinPoint Underground

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