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App Maintenance

| App Maintenance

9 Reasons Why Your iOS App was Rejected by the App Store

Once your iOS app is complete, there's one last hurdle to get through. The app needs to be

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| App Maintenance

What to Include In Your Mobile App Maintenance Plan

One of the biggest mistakes your company could make when planning a custom mobile app build, is not

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| App Maintenance

5 Things to Know Before You Hire an App Developer to Fix Your Mobile App

When you hire an app developer to build your application, and it flat out doesn't work, it's a

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| App Maintenance

How Much Does it Cost to Maintain an App?

If your company is planning to invest in a custom mobile app, it's important to have a big

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| App Maintenance

Managing Technical Debt: What is Technical Debt & How Do You Deal With It?

Technical debt is a term frequently used in the software industry to signify the work that should be

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| App Maintenance

7 Dangers of Saying “No” to App Maintenance

When your business has a custom mobile app developed, you'll be given the option of subscribing to ongoing

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| App Maintenance

The Importance of Including Logging in Your Mobile Apps

It's 6:00am and the help desk is calling because your app has “stopped working”. You quickly check the

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| App Maintenance

Why App Maintenance is So Important

There exists a misconception that a mobile app can be built once, and deployed forever. In other words,

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| App Maintenance

7 Reasons Why Your Management Team Will Love Crashlytics | Mobile App Analytics

Crashlytics is a powerful crash reporting and mobile analytics tool for your organization's iOS and Android apps. What

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| App Maintenance

Android App Store Optimization in Eight Steps

Last week I wrote about Apple App Store Optimization, with a focus on using keywords to get your

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| App Maintenance

How To Get Better Ratings for Your iOS or Android App

On both Google Play and the Apple App Store, users of your app can submit ratings and reviews.

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| App Maintenance

A Quick and Dirty Guide to App Store Optimization with Keywords

Keyword optimization isn't just for company websites. Much like there are principals we follow for good website SEO

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