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How Field Service Companies Can Create an UBER-like Experience

Technology is disruptive and transformative. It changes entire industries by upending the conventional means of doing things. One of the best examples technology transforming an industry is UBER and ride share apps. Before UBER, transportation had been roughly the same for nearly a century. If you needed a ride, you called or hailed a taxi […]

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Who Owns Your App’s Source Code? (How to Ensure You Own the Source Code)

Unless you’ve had a bad experience that put it on your radar, or you’re a software developer, “source code” isn’t exactly a topic that makes the rounds at dinner parties. But, if you’re planning to hire an app development team to develop a custom mobile app for your company, source code is a topic that […]

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What is an App Prototype & How You Can Benefit from Making Your Own

You may know intrinsically that the right mobile app will make your workers more productive, your customers happier, and cut out a lot of paperwork. You may already be envisioning an app that will solve your biggest operational or sales pain point, but don’t know how to approach it or if it’s even possible. This […]

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10 Benefits of Cross-Platform Apps vs Native Apps for Business

In the ever-evolving landscape of mobile apps, businesses are constantly presented with choices. One of the biggest choices is: should we develop a cross-platform app or a native app? Both have their merits, but understanding the differences between them is crucial when making an informed decision. Here’s a comprehensive guide on why cross-platform apps might […]

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Why Software Development Companies Require Discovery to Provide a Quote

So you’ve been contacting software development companies to get a quote for a custom software development project. Each time, you hear the same thing – in order to give you a quote for your custom app, they need to complete a Discovery process with your team. And there’s a charge for Discovery. Some app development […]

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How to Avoid Spelling & Grammar Mistakes in Your Software

Does your company have a process for avoiding spelling and grammar mistakes in your software? If not, or if it’s not working, you’ll be well on your way to success by the end of this short article. Let’s start with how spelling and grammar mistakes end up in your software in the first place. Then […]

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How to Avoid Being Held Hostage by Your App Developer

Big Fish is an app development company in Florida. We sometimes receive calls from companies that are not happy with the person or agency that developed their software, and they want us to take over. We believe that when you purchase custom app development, you should be free to change providers if you are not […]

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Fast, Cheap or Good? Pick Two.

So, you want custom software developed, and you need it fast, cheap and good? Sorry, you’re out of luck there. “Fast, Cheap or Good? Pick Two.” is a maxim used in the project management world to reference the Iron Triangle. “Fast” refers to time to deliver “Cheap” refers to cost “Good” refers to scope (features) […]

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How Long Does It Take to Develop An App

Big Fish is a boutique app development agency. With nearly ten years experience developing mobile applications, we can answer the “How long does it take to develop an app?” question. We’ve also written about how much a mobile app costs, if you’re interested. Now, let’s start answering your question with a phase-by-phase breakdown of the […]

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What to Include In Your Mobile App Maintenance Plan

One of the biggest mistakes your company could make when planning a custom mobile app build, is not allocating adequate resources towards ongoing app maintenance. These resources include a yearly budget for app maintenance, a plan for future updates and the people to make it happen. An ideal mobile app maintenance plan (and budget) will […]

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Say “No” to Bad App Design

Say “No” to bad app design because -> How well your app is designed directly impacts how well it works. Apps that aren’t designed well, don’t work well. That’s right, bad app design results in apps that not only look unappealing, they’re also hard to use. Poorly designed apps are frustrating, confusing and cumbersome – […]

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How We Use Mood Boards in UI & UX Design

Before diving into creating mockups, it’s important to set the visual direction of an app or software design project. This is where mood boards come in. Mood boards are a tool that our app design company uses to establish the style of the app and ensure that all stakeholders are on the same page before […]

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Our Thoughts on Flutter for Cross-Platform App Development

If you’re having an app developed, you’ll need to decide between native app development and cross-platform app development with tools like Flutter or React Native. Which you choose will depend on the features and functionality planned for your app, and your team’s long-term vision for the software. When you hire Big Fish we help you […]

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Hiring an Agency vs Hiring Freelance Mobile App Developers

If you’ve been tasked with putting together a team to develop your company’s mobile app, you have a few roads to explore. Hire an in-house team of developers, designers and project management Hire a freelance developer and have in-house team members manage the project Hire a mobile app development agency These three paths are each […]

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What We Love About Figma at Our Software Design Agency

It was early 2020 when our team began transitioning from Sketch to Figma as our software design tool of choice. One of our designers discovered it, gave it a try on some fun work and suggested we use it on the next client project. From day one there was no going back. The collaboration features […]

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How to Design Software & Apps People Actually Want to Use

When executives get together and make decisions about how their software should look and behave, focus often drifts away from the person who will use it.  The larger your company, the more removed your designers and developers are from the people who will actually use what they create. Without the right approach to software design […]

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5 Things to Know Before You Hire an App Developer to Fix Your Mobile App

When you hire an app developer to build your application, and it flat out doesn’t work, it’s a frustrating situation. Your team keeps finding bugs, and your developer is unable, or unavailable, to fix them. You’ve already invested in an app design service and you expect it to work as it should. Most ideally, the […]

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Solutions for Major Software Issues Caused by Coding Errors

As the owner of a custom software design and development company, I can tell you that poorly written, shoddy code is more common than you might think. There is an assumption floating around that if a company or developer provides app development services, they must be good at it. And, that coding is easy and […]

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