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What is an App-Enabled Product or Bluetooth-Enabled Product?

An app-enabled product is a product that can be controlled by, and/or send data to, a custom-developed mobile

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Enterprise Mobility Statistics Point to Robust Growth in 2018 and Beyond

In an increasingly mobile world, businesses that don't embrace enterprise mobility could find themselves scrambling to keep up

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What to Expect During An Initial Consultation With Big Fish About Your Mobile App

Big Fish is a mobile app design and development company in Tampa Florida. We understand that you have

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Why App Development Quotes Vary from Different Companies

If you've been asking around and talking to companies to get an app development quote or estimate you

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Your Mobile App is Like an Iceberg. Here’s What’s Under the Surface.

When thinking about your company's need for a mobile application, your team is probably envisioning the actual app

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10 Questions Mobile First Companies Ask Themselves

Mobile first companies put today's smartphone-carrying majority at the forefront of their business strategy. This approach is not

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What is a Mobile First Company?

In the past, "mobile first" was just a design approach - design your websites and applications for mobile

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11 Benefits of a Custom Field Service App

Field service companies stand to benefit greatly by implementing the right technology in their organization. A field service

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Mobile App Development Jargon Explained

Big Fish is a B2B mobile app development company in Tampa, Florida. This glossary of mobile app development

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ServiceMax versus a Custom Field Service App

Written by Robert Ludwig Let’s take a step back and look at the field service app market. How

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Why App Maintenance is So Important

There exists a misconception that a mobile app can be built once, and deployed forever. In other words,

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The Real Reason Why We Ask for Your Budget

If your company has made the decision to have a custom app developed and you're meeting with app

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Benefits of a Custom Mobile App for Field Sales Teams

Field sales organizations can benefit greatly from equipping their reps with the right mobile technology. Read on to

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Benefits of Hiring a Boutique App Development Company

At Big Fish we refer to ourselves as a boutique app development company. The word "boutique" sums up

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6 Mistakes Companies Make When Buying Custom App Development

Having a custom mobile app developed makes it possible to get exactly what you need, and nothing more,

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7 Ways Mobile Apps are Transforming the Field Service Industry

Efficiency, productivity and customer satisfaction all have one thing in common. They can suffer in the field service

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Do We Need An App, or a Responsive Website?

Here's the thing. Apps have become "trendy". There is a field of thought that says every company needs

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Custom Versus Pre-Built Mobile Apps: When Does Custom Make More Sense?

I will be the first to say that not every company needs a mobile app - let alone

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No, We Don’t Outsource Abroad. Here’s Why…

At Big Fish, we develop custom software (mobile apps) for our clients. Every week we receive calls and

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The Future of Apps – A Service, Not a Destination

I use the word "Future" lightly because mobile apps as a service is the reality now. It's the

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Is Our Mobile App HIPAA Compliant?

"Is our app HIPAA compliant?" For anyone in the Health IT space, this is a frequently asked question.

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